Our Goats
2023 Kids

Mini-Saanen doeling born April 7th.

Mini-Saanen buckling born April 7th.

Mini-Saanen buckling born April 7th.

Mini-Lamancha buckling born March 10th.

Mini-Lamancha doeling born March 10th.

Mini-Toggenburg buckling born March 4th.

Mini Toggenburg doeling born March 4th.

Mini-Toggenburg buckling, born March 2nd.

Mini-Toggenburg doeling born March 2nd.

Mini-Lamancha doeling - born February 7th, 2023.

Mini-Lamancha buckling - born February 7th, 2023.
2022 Kids

Mini-Saanen doeling - born May 3rd, 2022. Sold to a home in Arkansas with her sister Iris.

Mini-Saanen doeling - born May 3rd, 2022. Sold to a home in Arkansas with her sister Athena.

Mini-Saanen buckling - born May 3rd, 2022. Given away to a local family.

Nigerian Dwarf doeling - born May 25th, 2022. For sale.

Nigerian Dwarf buckling (wether) - born June 15th, 2022. Sold with Brownie to a good home.

Nigerian Dwarf doeling - born June 15th, 2022.

Nigerian Dwarf doeling - born June 15th, 2022. Sold to a good home where she will be used for milk once she is old enough.

Lamancha buckling - born June 2022. Sold to a good home.

Lamancha doeling - born June 2022. Passed away on Nov. 11th.

Mini-Nubian buckling (wether) - born July 1st, 2022. Sold with Peanut to a good home.

Nigerian Dwarf buckling (wether) - born July 3rd, 2022. Passed away on Nov. 13th.

Nigerian Dwarf doeling - born July 2022.

Nigerian Dwarf doeling - born June 2022.

Nigerian Dwarf doeling - born July 2022.

Nigerian Dwarf doeling - born Oct. 24th, 2022.

Nigerian Dwarf doeling - born Oct. 24th, 2022.

Nigerian Dwarf doeling - born Oct. 24th, 2022.

Nigerian Dwarf buckling
Adult Goats

Nigerian Dwarf buck - born Dec. 2020. Elf is our herd sire. He is very gentle and calm and produces flashy kids.

Nigerian Dwarf doe - born January 26, 2021. Pepe was born on our farm during the polar vortex. She is one of our most mischievous goats.

Mini-Lamancha doe - born February 28th, 2021. Kamala got her name because when she was a baby she resembled a baby camel.

Mini-Lamancha doe - born Feb. 28th, 2021. Daffy is Kamala's twin sister, although she did not get the short Lamancha ears. She is very skittish but easy to handle once caught.

Toggenburg doe - born Feb. 2021. Fidget is very inquisitive and friendly. She is a lighter brown color and has waddles.

Toggenburg doe - born Feb. 2021. Fuzzy is dark brown and very furry. She is calm and on the lazy side.

Alpine doe - born March 2021. Minnie is very gentle and calm. We got her as a bottle baby along with Midge.

Alpine doe - born March 2021. Midge is one of our most docile goats. She always wants attention. She will be one of our largest goats when she is full grown.

Saanen doe Bones is a 4 year old doe who we rescued from Missouri in March 2021. She loves attention and is a great milker.

Saanen doe Skin is also 4 years old and was also rescued from a place in Missouri. She had triplets this year and is a great mother.

Nigerian Dwarf doe Misty is one of our most skittish goats. We got her from our neighbors in January 2022. She had one kid this year and was a good mom.

Nigerian Dwarf doe - born March 2019. Creep recently kidded triplets and is a great mother.